The below is the list of the case studies of Thermo Riko's Infrared Heaters. We are going to add more case studies shortly.
Heating Micro-samples In A Capillary (Diamond Light Source)
Double sided infrared heating (Nagoya University)
IR heater in Thermal desorption spectroscopy (Yamaguchi University)
Heating under strong mangetic field (Kumamoto University)
Sample cleaning on Jeol XPS system (Meijo University)
- Graphene Formation on SiC
- TDS System by ESCO
- Sample Cleaning in X-ray Photo electron spectroscopy (XPS) (Tokyo City University)
- Creating an oxide thin film with Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) (Kyoto University)
- Heating a sample being irradiated with Synchrotron Radiation Beam (SPring-8)
- Thermophotovoltaic Research (Tokyo University)